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Thanks for Attending Free Agent Workshop in Hefei! – EDUPRCHINA News

July 7, 20242 minute read
On the afternoon of June 21,2024, EDUPRCHINA, the brand of iStudy Education Group, held an Study in China Agent Workshop. The attending agents came from Pakistan, Ghana and so on.During the conference, discussions and exchanges were conducted on trends in studying in China, the newst policies, and scholarship programs. In addition, EDUPRCHINA’s consultant May provided training to the attending agents on how to use the EDUPRCHINA website and demonstrated our backend application system, while also providing detailed information on the discounts and coupon activity during the conference.
The atmosphere of the meeting was very warm, and the agents actively communicated with each other to express their views, expressing great satisfaction and happiness to participate in the workshop and looking forward the next workshop in Hangzhou.
我们为本次参会代理商提供了丰盛的茶歇以及精美的参会礼物 (包括iStudy文创礼物及中国学校赞助的礼物)。
We provided abundant coffee breaks and exquisite attending gifts (including iStudy cultural and creative gifts and gifts sponsored by Chinese universities and colleges) for our attending agents.
作为中国最大的来华留学代理商平台,EDUPRCHINA不断的招募,培训,发展新代理商, 永远乐于帮助我们的代理商发展来华留学事业。对于参加本次来华留学培训会的代理商,我们提供了以下优惠:1. 1张100元的申请费优惠券,用于抵扣申请费。2. 3次免申请费申请机会来华留学培训会
As the largest global agent platform in China, EDUPRCHINA is always recruiting, training, and cultivating new agents. We are always dedicated to helping our agents develop their studyin China business. For the agents participating in this workshop, we offer the following discount: 1. One 100 yuan application fee voucher to offset the application fee. 2. 3 opportunities to apply without paying the application fee on EDUPRCHINA
The study in China Workshop is an important meeting for EDUPRCHINA in recruiting and training agents, which is part of our regular activities. In 2024, we plan to carry out Offline Study in China Agent Workshop in Wuhan, Jinhua, Hangzhou, Shanghai, Suzhou and other places. If you are interested in Study in China Business in China, please sign up on and   add the following WeChat and look forward to the next event together!
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