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Visit the China National Silk Museum, Feel the Long Silk Road Culture

August 3, 20233 minute read

In order to help international students in China better understand China’s splendid history and civilization and feel the long Silk Road culture, on July 27, the School of International Education of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology and the famous teacher studio of national education for international students organized 12 foreign students from Russia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Morocco and other countries to participate in the China National Silk Museum‘s perception of China’s social practice, and watch the exhibition ‘The Grand View of Civilization: Dunhuang on the Silk Road‘.

The exhibition is hosted by the National Cutural Heritage Administration and the People’s Government of Zhejiang Province, and hosted by the China National Silk Museum. The exhibition focuses on Dunhuang, the pearl of the Silk Road, with more than 170 pieces/group of cultural relics, and more than 30 pieces/group of first-class cultural relics. Under the guidance of the interpreter, international students visited the exhibition and listened attentively to the narrator’s stories behind cultural relics such as portrait bricks, bamboo slips, silk, stone pagodas, scriptures, and pottery figurines. They gained a deeper understanding of the politics and economy, society and life, spirit and faith of ancient Dunhuang, and gained a comprehensive understanding of its profound historical heritage and diverse cultural background.

Savindi Kaushalya Edirisinghe, an international student from Sri Lanka, stopped in front of various historical and cultural exhibits for a long time. She enthusiastically said, “This exhibition has deeply impressed me with the prosperity and glory of the ancient Silk Road, and also understood the important role of Dunhuang on the ancient Silk Road. It has witnessed the exchange and mutual learning between different countries and regions on the ancient Silk Road. Achraf Abekhar, a student from Morocco, was very moved after listening to the story of generations of Mogao Caves people, such as Chang Shuhong and Fan Jinshi, who had worked hard to protect Dunhuang. He said, “I am amazed by the contributions made by Chinese experts and scholars in the past dynasties to protect Dunhuang cultural heritage. It is they who let the spirit of the Silk Road pass on from generation to generation.“.

Later, the international students also visited the Silk Road Museum, the Weaving Museum, the Silk Gallery, the Fashion Museum and other venues of the China National Silk Museum, learned about the past and present of the Silk Road, appreciated silk fabrics of different technologies in different periods, and felt the progress and innovation of weaving technology.

This practice activity is part of the social practice of “Perceiving China” of the Chinese national conditions education course for international students from Zhejiang University of Science and Technology. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the “the Belt and Road” initiative. The University will take this opportunity to help international students understand the history and culture of the Silk Road, understand the Silk Road spirit centered on “peaceful cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning, mutual benefit and win-win“, promote overseas students to tell stories about the Silk Road, and cultivate more “ambassadors” for the international dissemination of the Silk Road culture.


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