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Visa-Free Entry for Chinese Canceled, Foreign Ministry Responds

June 21, 202456 second read

At the regular press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on June 18, the spokesperson Lin Jian responded to the issue of Ecuador canceling visa-free entry for Chinese citizens.

Bloomberg reporter: There are indications that, starting from July 1, Chinese citizens will no longer be able to enter Ecuador without a visa. Clearly, tens of thousands of Chinese immigrants are departing from Ecuador to the United States. What is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ comment on this?

Lin Jian: Since the mutual visa exemption agreement between China and Ecuador came into effect in August 2016, it has played a significant and positive role in facilitating bilateral exchanges and practical cooperation in various fields. The Chinese government firmly opposes any form of illegal immigration. In recent years, Chinese law enforcement agencies have been rigorously cracking down on illegal activities that hinder national (border) management, maintaining a high-pressure stance against various smuggling organizations and individuals involved in such activities, and achieving significant results. At the same time, Chinese law enforcement is cooperating with relevant countries to jointly combat cross-border smuggling activities, repatriate illegal immigrants, and maintain the order of international personnel exchanges.

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