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The 2023 ISSP Study-in-China Summer Camp Successfully Concluded

August 4, 20233 minute read

From July 9th to 17th, 2023, the 10-day ISSP Study-in-China Summer Camp was successfully held and concluded at Communication University of China, Nanjing. iStudy Education Group, in collaboration with Indonesian partners, organized and coordinated 23 Indonesian teachers and students to enthusiastically participate in and successfully complete this summer Chinese language learning and cultural experience activity.The summer camp activities covered Languages of China and culture courses, media art experience courses, special seminars and visits. Communication University of China, Nanjing fully stimulated the curiosity of Indonesian students and enriched their summer experience by providing a variety of fascinating lectures and seminars related to Chinese culture, media and art; A series of visiting and inspection activities were also carried out, allowing students to further strengthen their Chinese language learning while personally experiencing the charm and historical and cultural heritage of Nanjing, the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, and deepening their understanding of China’s language, culture, and contemporary Chinese national conditions.

ISSP Scholarship Study-in-China Summer Camp organizes overseas high school and college students to study and experience Chinese life in China, providing opportunities for visits, learning, and practice, enhancing students’ Chinese and cross-cultural communication abilities, and creating opportunities for outstanding young people around the world to understand and perceive China; At the same time, it has also established multiple promotional windows overseas for the Chinese universities it undertakes. Thanks to the strong support of Communication University of China, Nanjing, the host university of this event, and the enthusiastic participation of iStudy’s Indonesian partners and students, which not only responded to the “the Belt and Road” policy, but also strengthened the cooperation between the two countries in the fields of science, culture and education, so as to jointly inject positive energy into the development of friendly relations between the two countries.

Founded in 1954, Communication University of China, Nanjing is one of China’s top universities specializing in journalism and communication. Regarded as one of the most prestigious and selective journalism schools in China, it ranks among the top 10 universities in China for journalism and communication programs. Known for producing many well-known journalists, TV hosts, directors and media professionals, Its notable alumni include CCTV news anchors, famous directors like Zhang Yimou.

The predecessor of Communication University of China, Nanjing is the former Nanguang College of Communication University of China, which was founded in 2004. In 2020, it was approved by the Ministry of Education and successfully transformed into an independent ordinary undergraduate college. It is a private undergraduate college with distinctive characteristics, well-known in China, and remarkable reputation, and is the only media application-oriented college in Jiangsu Province at present.

As an emerging university that goes hand in hand with the era of information dissemination and keeps pace with the changes in the cultural media industry, the school has undergone nearly 20 years of leapfrog development, cultivating more than 40000 graduates for the industry and society. It is known as the “cradle of applied talent cultivation in the field of media and art in China“, and has been recognized in terms of educational scale, party building work, teaching level, enrollment and employment, integration of industry and education, international education Maintain significant advantages in reputation evaluation and other aspects among similar universities in the province and even across the country.


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