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International Students in China:”The longer you live in China, the more you can discover its charm.”

June 3, 202411 minute read

Currently, China has become one of the world’s major destinations for studying abroad. International students from different countries perceive China in different ways, which also enhances their understanding of China.

Samoan international student Anya——

“The longer you live in China, the more you can discover its charm.”

At the New Year’s event for international students held at the school, Anya used a brush to write the character “Fu”.

“I have known the importance of protecting mangroves since I was young, and being able to see mangroves in the towering city of Shenzhen makes me feel very familiar.” Samoan international student Anya is participating in a forest cultivation activity at Futian Mangrove Ecological Park in Shenzhen, Guangdong province. She put on gloves, picked up a hoe, and cleared the weeds around the mangrove forest. In no time, the pulled weeds piled up into a small mountain. Anya said that Samoa also has vast mangrove forests, which can resist wind and sand, protect the coast, and play an important role in protecting the local ecological environment. “While developing its economy, China also pays attention to ecological environment protection, and Samoa also needs to follow this development path.”

Anya introduced that four of her eight brothers and sisters had studied in China. “My brothers and sisters often mentioned China to me, and my yearning for China has taken root in my heart since I was young.” In 2019, she successfully applied for the Chinese government scholarship. After studying Chinese at the University of International Business and Economics for a year, she has studied till now in the School of Economics and Management of Tianjin University of Technology. “China’s digital economy is booming, and through mobile application software and mobile payments, almost all life and travel needs can be met.” An Ya said that this e-commerce model is convenient, fast, and efficient, which has greatly inspired her. “I look forward to going to Chinese e-commerce enterprises to practice and gain a deeper understanding of this new business model.”

In addition to her studies, Anya actively participates in cultural and artistic activities. In 2020, she participated in the “Cloud” choir of 47 students from 19 Chinese universities, and participated in the creation of the song “Dream Road” to express her good wishes for the joint construction of the “the Belt and Road”. “The the Belt and Road, holding hands with the world…” Anya hummed softly. She recalled that at a choir party, the partners shared the relevant information about their countries’ participation in the joint construction of the “the Belt and Road”, which inspired her to write songs and take actions quickly with everyone. Writing lyrics, composing music, planning music videos… co-creating songs with people who love music has become one of Anya’s valuable experiences studying in China.

Not long ago, Anya participated in the research and visit activities to the Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang and other places in Gansu Province. The large and small caves on the cliff walls of Mogao Grottoes are arranged in an orderly manner, and the murals inside the caves have gone through vicissitudes of life but are still dazzling. The natural mineral pigments that have come to China along the ancient Silk Road have been shining for thousands of years. Anya said that in Samoa, people use charcoal ash produced by burning plants as paint, so painting only has one color, black. “The murals of different colors in Mogao Caves showcase the convergence and fusion of diverse civilizations, and also make me more truly appreciate that civilization is colorful through communication and rich through mutual learning.”

Opening a Chinese bookstore in Apia, the capital of Samoa, is Anya’s dream. She said that bookstores not only sell Chinese stories translated into Samoan, but also regularly invite Chinese writers and painters to share Chinese culture. “The longer I live in China, the more I can discover the charm of China. I want to become a cultural bridge between Samoa and China, so that more Samoans can know and understand China.”

Thai international student Norubra——

“Only by coming to China for a walk can we truly understand China.”

Wenming is visiting the smart agricultural facilities at Longgangwan Aerial Strawberry Experience Hall in Taiping Town, Xiayi County, Henan Province, and recording a video.

“I have always wanted to see what rural China looks like, and I also want to know how it feels to live in rural China.” Not long ago, Thai international student Norubra (The Chinese name is Wenming) finally fulfilled his wish and went to a friend’s house in Luzhai County, Liuzhou City, Guangxi to have an immersive experience of rural life in China.

There, Wenming woke up at 7 am to feed chickens and water the fields, tending to fruit trees at 9 am, preparing lunch at 11 am, and even going to the market in the afternoon. After nightfall, he and his friends either watched TV series and chatted around the stove, or took a leisurely walk in the village. Wenming also from the perspective of “Generation Z”, recorded and published short videos of the tasteful and enjoyable life in rural China on overseas social media. The series of videos such as “Embark on A Rural Experience in China, Unexpectedly Like This” attracted over 200000 viewers.

The 32-year-old Wenming has been studying and living in China for nearly 13 years, and is currently pursuing a doctoral degree in International Politics at the School of International Relations, Peking University. He is dedicated to visiting and researching while studying, and has visited more than 30 cities in China. Since 2022, he created social media accounts overseas. Based on his experience in China, he shares his thoughts and feelings on the development of China’s economy and society, rural revitalization, technological innovation, traditional culture, and other aspects. He has released a total of 148 video works.

At the end of the Guangxi rural trip, wenming planed to take the China Laos railway international passenger train in Kunming, Yunnan, to record the scenery and people’s life along the line in an all-round way. “Without investigation, there is no right to speak. Only by visiting China can we truly understand China and understand its actual situation.” He said that Chinese path to modernization not only promotes urban development, but also benefits the countryside. For example, “I found that even the stalls selling clothes and vegetables in rural fairs can use mobile payment.”

In recent years, China’s rapid development has attracted more and more Thai tourists. “With the visa free agreement between Thailand and China officially taking effect on March 1st, many of my friends plan to travel to China.” Wenming said that the Chinese government has made many efforts to make it more convenient for foreign tourists to come to China: mobile payments can be linked to foreign credit cards, the Beijing subway, and popular tourist attractions, and English information services are more perfect… All of these provide a safer, more comfortable, and convenient environment for foreigners to come to China. “The promotion of bilateral tourism between Thailand and China will further promote friendly exchanges and enhance mutual trust between the two peoples, which is of great significance for regional stability and development.”

Being a diplomat is always Wenming’s career ideal. After graduating next year, he hopes to work at the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs and contribute to the “Thai China family” through close ties. “Next year, we will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Thailand and China. I hope to use the knowledge I have learned in China to strengthen communication in various fields and levels between the two countries, and jointly build a more stable, prosperous, and sustainable community with a shared future between Thailand and China.”Wenming said.

Ethiopian student Nubia——

“Not only did it broaden my horizons, but I also felt care and warmth.”

Nubia is telling his Chinese story at a speech event.

“I cannot achieve my dream without China.” Ethiopian student Nubia has a special passion for technology, and his dream is to become a mechanical engineer. Nubia has always enjoyed dismantling and reassembling household items such as radios, telephones, and remote controls at home since childhood. When he found that all the electrical products at home were printed with “Made in China”, and many of the high-rise buildings on the street were built with the help of Chinese companies, the seeds of studying in China gradually took root and sprouted in his heart.

Nubia explained that his parents strongly support his idea of studying in China and have been looking for opportunities to help him achieve his dreams. By chance, someone recommended the Mechanical and Electronic Engineering program at Jilin Agricultural Science and Technology College to Nubia’s father. Upon hearing about it, Nubia immediately went to the school’s official website to search for relevant information. After learning about teaching information on robot manufacturing, circuit welding, and hydraulic power systems, he immediately prepared his application materials and was soon successfully admitted.

“Here, I not only broadened my horizons, but also felt care and warmth.” At the beginning, Nubia found it difficult to learn physical dynamics, mechanical sensing, and other knowledge, especially in designing movement trajectories for robots, testing voltage responses, and other practical operations. “My teacher patiently explains to me after class, and when I encounter mechanical principles that I don’t understand, she patiently answers them one by one. My classmates also take me to visit science museums, watch robot exhibitions, and complete homework together, helping me better adapt to life in China.” Nubia is grateful to Chinese teachers and classmates.

Studying in China has made Nubia realize that learning mechanical manufacturing from a technical perspective alone is not enough. To become a versatile applied talent, one also needs to learn relevant knowledge such as language and culture. After graduating from the Mechanical and Electronic Engineering major at Jilin Agricultural Science and Technology College, he did not choose to immediately return to Ethiopia for employment. Instead, he applied for the International Chinese Teacher Scholarship from the Ministry of Education of China to study Chinese International Education at Zhejiang Normal University. Nubia introduced that in African countries such as Ethiopia, mastering Chinese can enhance employment competitiveness. He hopes to become a versatile applied talent who understands both Chinese and technology when he returns to his hometown in the future.

In recent years, Nubia has clearly felt the increasingly close relationship between Africa and China. “In Ethiopia, everyone will give a thumbs up when it comes to China.” At the first “Hello, the Silk Road” Network International Communication Conference, Nubia said in the speech “This is China” that the joint construction of the “the Belt and Road” has brought Africa the first transnational electrified railway – the Addis Ababa Djibouti Railway, and China has helped African countries improve their people’s lives.”I can feel that the joint construction of the ‘the Belt and Road’ shows a  spirit that you give me what you have, and I give you what I have. China is sincerely helping Africa, and China’s contribution to promoting African and global development is obvious to all.”

In Nubia’s view, China has not replicated the development models of other countries, but has embarked on its own development path, which is of great inspiration to African countries. “I hope to use the knowledge I have learned to help improve the level of African manufacturing and enable Africa’s mechanical products and technological capabilities to go global,” he said.

Shenyang Institute of Technology and Wuhan Huazhong Numerical Control Co., Ltd. jointly build the “the Belt and Road” order class to jointly cultivate high-quality applied talents of “specialty+Russian” urgently needed by the industry. After graduation, the students of the order class will return to China to engage in CNC technology related work to achieve high-quality employment. The picture shows Chinese students and sharing their operational experience to international students.


International students from Ocean University of China are experiencing the restoration of traditional Chinese culture at the New Era Civilization Practice Center in Licang District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province.


International students from Beijing Jiaotong University are visiting the 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services at the Beijing National Convention Center.


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