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2nd Agent Training in Nanjing

March 15, 20233 minute read

After sucessfully held Wuhan training conference, now, Nanjing training win a higher level! During this 2-hour meeting, EDUPRCHINA met the agents from 8 countries including Morocco, Laos, the Czech Republic, Kazakhstan, Papua New Guinea, Pakistan, Uzbekistan and Congo. This meeting includes five parts: Introduction of iStudy culture wall, 2020 EDUPRCHINA new policy, recruitment of EDUPRCHINA Global Partners Conference , suggestions to EDUPRCHINA and Q & A.

iStudy was founded in May 2013. Creating International study opportunities for all youth is our mission. As a government funded service provider in the education field, iStudy has developed various projects promoting Chinese education overseas and supporting international education cooperation. iStudy has 10 brands like EDUPRCHINA, iStudy-Chinese Culture Center, ISSP School and so on. Its projects have received a number of awards from the local and national government, and have been recommended to international educators who wish to build a better presence in China.

During the meeting, we introduced and explained our policy in 2020. EDUPRCHINA not only want to serve better service for our partners, but also want to our partners get more training and chances to make themselves better through the cooperation with


What’s more, we also watched the 7th EGPC video and 8th EGPC video. EGPC (DUPRCHINA Global Partners Conference) is sponsored by iStudy and serves Chinese universities, international educational institutions and overseas agents.

Every year, we organize EGPC during which partner universities have a chance to meet agents and international institutions and discuss cooperation and agreements. With the aim of promoting China’s education worldwide and building a high quality channel for Chinese to “go abroad” and accelerating the internationalization of China education, this conference will attract nearly 100+ Chinese universities, 30+ overseas universities/high schools and 100+ overseas agents from more than 70 countries to Nanjing, China to establish diversified cooperative relations.

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We sincerely welcome more and more agents to attend 2020 EGPC and solve their problems in the filed of studying in China. And we share our resources together and benefit from each other.

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At the end of the meeting, we share views and problems with our old and new partners. We got more suggestions of our friends. So we hope to have more face-to-face communication with our agents, establish better communication and deeper cooperation. We will have another agent meeting soon and all EDUPRCHINA agents are warmly welcomed to visit EDUPRCHINA nanjing office. By the way, the EGPC start to apply now! Sign off now! Also!!! We will have Yiwu training conference in Zhejiang Province, welcome all agents who want participate in.

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