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2023 Overseas EGPC-Vietnam & Thailand

July 10, 20235 minute read

2023 Overseas EGPC

On June 4th to June 11th, EDUPRCHINA team(iStudy Company), together with two partner universities – Changzhou University and Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics, conducted an 8-day overseas EGPC trip.

We visited EDUPRCHINA’s overseas partner agent institutions, partner universities/middle schools and did 2 Agent Workshops in Vietnam and Thailand.

The Overseas EGPC – Vietnam & Thailand has successfully concluded. We would like to express our gratitude to the enthusiastic reception, thoughtful preparation, and meticulous arrangements by the partner universities and institutions in Vietnam and Thailand.


This conference has established a two-way cooperation channel between Chinese universities and overseas universities, middle schools, and local educational institutions, helping both parties to expand their overseas cooperation channels, establish closer cooperative relationships, facilitate teacher-student exchanges and recruit more high-quality students for short and long-term programs (such as study abroad and summer camps), provide Vietnamese and Thai students with broad international exchange and learning opportunities, and bring more university resources to Vietnamese and Thai cooperation institutions. This will further promote EDUPRCHINA and our partner institutions’ cooperation and development in the field of higher education and explore new international cooperation models.

0In Vienam
On the morning of that day, at the invitation of a local study abroad educational institution in Vietnam, Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics and Changzhou University attended the cooperation negotiation meeting.During the meeting, the Chinese universities presented the latest information on studying abroad in China and cooperation needs, and had in-depth exchanges with the Vietnamese side to explore new cooperation models and work together to create more study abroad opportunities in China for outstanding international students.

On the same afternoon, EDUPRCHINA team and the Chinese universities visited the campus of Nguyen Trai University in Vietnam and met with the person in charge of international exchange at the university to discuss matters related to inter-school cooperation, exchange programs, and studying abroad in China. During the meeting, both Chinese and Vietnamese universities expressed their expectations for comprehensive and pragmatic cooperation to provide more learning channels and study abroad opportunities for international students, cultivate more outstanding international talents, and explore new ideas and methods for the development of higher education in both countries under the new era.

0In VienamOn the morning of that day, EDUPRCHINA team and the Chinese universities visited a local study abroad educational institution and Chinese language training center, and held a study abroad enrollment promotion event for Vietnamese local high school students and Chinese language learners.The Chinese universities provided detailed explanations of the study abroad enrollment policies and interacted with the students to answer their questions, gaining a deeper understanding of their motivations for learning Chinese, study environments, and language proficiency levels, while encouraging and welcoming them to have opportunities to study offline in China.

On this afternoon, EDUPRCHINA team organized an EDUPRCHINA Agent Workshop in the conference hall of a local four-star hotel, where they held one-on-one “study abroad in China” cooperation negotiations with local agents in Vietnam.

The Chinese universities provided detailed introductions of their schools and study abroad enrollment policies (including advantages of majors, fee policies, etc.), and discussed cooperation models with the agents.

0In ThailandThe overseas EGPC team and the Chinese universities visited North Bangkok University in Thailand, where they were warmly welcomed by the person in charge of international affairs. They toured the new campus, including teaching facilities, student sports fields, international student dormitories, campus buses, and other facilities, deepening their understanding of the campus style and construction history of Thai universities.The Vice President of the Thai university also attended the meeting, watched the Chinese university’s video introduction, discussed cooperation needs, and explored areas of cooperation.

0In ThailandOn that morning, EDUPRCHINA team and the Chinese universities met with the Assistant President, Vice Dean of the International College, and person in charge of foreign affairs at Siam University’s President’s office in Thailand, and held an inter-school cooperation and exchange symposium. Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics and Changzhou University respectively introduced their universities, and in the free exchange session, they conducted in-depth discussions on cooperation models for joint education, summer camps, exchange students, teacher visits, and other projects.

On the afternoon of the same day, in the conference hall of the Pullman Hotel in Bangkok, EDUPRCHINA team invited and organized local cooperative agents in Thailand to hold an offline meeting, and launched a one-on-one cooperation negotiation with Chinese schools. All the staff actively participated in the meeting and fully communicated to provide more learning channels and study abroad opportunities for Chinese and Thai students.

The Overseas EGPC has successfully concluded.
In this November, EDUPRCHINA will continue to conduct overseas EGPC in five Southeast Asian countries, including Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, as well as Morocco and Spain, together with Chinese universities.
If you are an agent institution from these countries, you are welcome to participate in our Agent Workshop.
If you are from other countries and want to cooperate with us for overseas EGPC, please feel free to contact us.

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