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2020 New Agent Policy

March 15, 20232 minute read

Key of 2020 New PolicyA bout application fee 1.Top-up application fee in your EDUPRCHINA account in advance to be EDUPRCHINA star agent and it will be used as students’  application fee only.

2.The application fee for all programs (self-financed programs or scholarship programs) is 500 RMB / 1 person / 1 school. For each  additional school application, the application fee increases by 300 RMB. Application fee will not be refunded once applications are  started.

3.No matter how many schools applicants applied at the same time, there is only one extrachance application provided when the first  failure of application out. Application is valid for one year from the date you pay application fee.

About service fee 1.Half service fee is paid after digital pre-admission coming out (it is refundable if your JW202 were refused) and half service fee is paid after digital JW202 coming out and it is not refundable. Service fee of self financed programs is free except medicine programs. Service fee of  scholarship programs is written on the EDUPRCHINA website.

2.The discount of service fee is related to the star level of agent. The higher the level is, the higher the discount is. For 1 star level  agent, service fee is 20% off discount. For 2 star level agent, service fee is 25% off discount. For 3 star level agent, service fee is 30% off  discount. For 4 star level agent, service fee is 35% off discount. For 5 star level agent, service fee is 40% off discount. For 6 star level  agent, service fee is 45% off discount. For 7 star level agent, service fee is 50% off discount.

About delivery fee 1. For 0 star level agent, delivery fee of applicants’ original admission and JW202 shall be charged at the actual rate; for 1-5 star level agent, delivery fee is free for scholarship programs, delivery fee shall be charged at the actual rate for self-financed programs; for 6-7 star level  agent, delivery fee is free for all programs.


In addition, agents will enjoy different privileges and servicesat different levels.


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